Beneath the Blue and White We Stand
What do you need?
U9 & U11 players only need blue shorts and socks.
U13, 15, 17 & Senior players need blue & white shorts & socks.
Each new to club players in the U13, 15, 17, Seniors & Women’s will receive a Club Polo as part of their registration.
Lioness Players need woman's blue shorts and socks.
Please submit your order via our website SHOP. All orders are due in by Friday 9 February 2024. Following this orders will then be tallied up and sent to our supplier.
Once stock arrives from our supplier (which will be approx early April 2024), we will contact you to organise collection from the club.
If you have any questions please feel welcome to contact me Jenny on 0438 831 321, or find me at the club.
LOGON TO SGFC WEBSITE - https://www.southgawlerfc.com/shop
What's available?
~ Caps, Bags, Beanies
~ Preseason Training Shorts, T-shirts, Singlets and Socks
~ Training Long sleeve Tops
~ Game Day Footy Shorts and Socks
~ Club Polo's, Rugby Tops and Jackets
Support your South Gawler Teams and wear the BLUE AND WHITE in 2024
Any questions, please contact Jenny (Merch Coordinator 0438831321) or talk to one of the Club Committee members.